The Sarah Palin War-on-Christmas Soundboard
New York Magazine
By Dan Amira
Posted: 11/08/2013 3:33 pm EST
For religious conservatives, howling over the so-called "war on
Christmas" has become an annual holiday tradition almost as enjoyable as
Christmas itself. On Tuesday, Sarah Palin seeks to capitalize on the phenomenon with the release of her newest book, Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas. Daily
Intelligencer purchased the Palin-narrated audiobook from a local
bookstore, where it was on sale early, and listened to all
four-and-a-half hours, which is technically not a violation of the
Geneva Convention if you're getting paid to do it, New York's legal team insists.

The book is part tribute to the joys of Christmas, part how-to
guide for oppressed Christians looking for ways to fight back against
whiny and litigious secularists, and part manifesto on the general
superiority of Christianity over atheism. Palin, throughout, appears
incapable of fathoming why a business catering to people from all walks
of life may prefer to use inclusive holiday-season language in
promotional items, or why a non-Christian may not appreciate a
government institution expressing a preference for Christianity over
other religions. To hear her tell it, such attitudes imperil America's
dedication to religious freedom itself. Click around on the Christmas
tree below to hear some of the book's more memorable lines.
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Let's hope that people are beginning to see through Palin's bull shit and the book is a tremendous flop.