Miley Cyrus wants you to free your nipples
The singer lifts her shirt -- and takes a stand against our breast obsession
not exactly big news when Miley Cyrus, who spent the better part of 2013
in a state of undress, flashes a little skin. But when she did so this
weekend with a holiday-themed message to fans, it was to get attention
for something other than herself for a change. In an image from a
weekend tweet, the singer’s tongue is in usual full thrust position,
while her top is defiantly lifted. Her breasts, however, are modestly
covered blocked by hearts that read “Merry Christmas.” And the message
is one perhaps puzzling to fans: “THANK YOU NY for being one of the few states to @freethenipple.”
As director Linda Esco explained in an essay earlier this month, her film “Free the Nipple” is about her quest to change “backward censorship laws that force police to arrest women for the most basic human right, to breastfeed your child in public or to be topless on a beach.” And, she points out, women are routinely harassed and arrested even in the 23 states in which it’s perfectly legal for them to be shirtless. She says her film is currently facing a distribution stonewall because “lawyers tell us FREE THE NIPPLE is facing an NC-17 rating, which is considered ‘pornography.’”
I must admit that I remain in favor of a nation in which more people, not fewer, wear shirts. Haven’t 25 years of watching “Cops” taught us that there’s got to be a correlation between poor decision making and not having a sweater? And women — who hear accusations that they’re “asking for it” when they’re walking around in the world fully clothed — face particular issues of safety when they dare to go bare. In 2010, when a group of topless women took to the streets of Portland, Maine — where such action doesn’t violate public nudity laws — they were greeted by “several hundred boisterous and mostly male onlookers, many of them carrying cameras.” Last spring, I witnessed a group of shirtless women in New York City’s Union Square Park, and from the creepy frenzy of picture takers and gawkers around them, you’d have thought a unicorn was wandering down the street.
As director Linda Esco explained in an essay earlier this month, her film “Free the Nipple” is about her quest to change “backward censorship laws that force police to arrest women for the most basic human right, to breastfeed your child in public or to be topless on a beach.” And, she points out, women are routinely harassed and arrested even in the 23 states in which it’s perfectly legal for them to be shirtless. She says her film is currently facing a distribution stonewall because “lawyers tell us FREE THE NIPPLE is facing an NC-17 rating, which is considered ‘pornography.’”
I must admit that I remain in favor of a nation in which more people, not fewer, wear shirts. Haven’t 25 years of watching “Cops” taught us that there’s got to be a correlation between poor decision making and not having a sweater? And women — who hear accusations that they’re “asking for it” when they’re walking around in the world fully clothed — face particular issues of safety when they dare to go bare. In 2010, when a group of topless women took to the streets of Portland, Maine — where such action doesn’t violate public nudity laws — they were greeted by “several hundred boisterous and mostly male onlookers, many of them carrying cameras.” Last spring, I witnessed a group of shirtless women in New York City’s Union Square Park, and from the creepy frenzy of picture takers and gawkers around them, you’d have thought a unicorn was wandering down the street.

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