The author says we'll get sensible financial
regulation, but not until conservative "predators" destroy the economy
Alex Halperin
Thom Hartmann (Credit: Ian Sbalcio) |
Brace yourself. Thom Hartmann has bad news. His new book “
The Crash of 2016”
is self-explanatory but understated. The great recession? As he sees it
that that that was a tremor before the big one. It’s coming and just
one of the causes might be the unregulated derivatives market measured
in hundreds of trillions of dollars, several times as much as the
conventional global economy.
Thom Hartmann talked to Salon about
how conservative “predators” got out of control, Enron’s ugly legacy and
why he’s optimistic. Gluttons for punishment can find an excerpt from
the book
This interview has been edited for space and clarity.
What is the plot to destroy America? There have been lots of them.
the beginning of our republic there has been this debate. There have
been these dueling visions of what America should be. In some ways it’s
an analogue of what ended up being the Whig Federalist vs. the
Democratic Republican debates, which is should we have a country that is
governed by a wise few, because the masses can’t really be trusted or
should we have a country that is governed from the bottom up. This
debate has taken a lot of different forms and morphed into a variety of
political positions, but that’s the essential battle.
That’s the
plot, as it were, on the one hand a group of ideologues concerned that
you can’t trust the masses and on the other hand you have the kind of
Rooseveltian notion that society should be for all the people and all
the people should be able to participate in the society whether it’s
through a union or with the democratic process.
There’s two groups
that are driving this thing that I describe as the plot. First is the
[conservative] ideologues but then there’s also a group of predators who
use that rhetoric and that ideology to set up a situation where they
can enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else. So the rhetoric
has been used to deconstruct the protections for our economy and our
middle class that kept our nation stable from the 40s through the 80s.
Then the predators stepped in and said lets take that a step further and blow up Glass – Steagall
and put in the Futures Modernization Act so we can have unregulated
derivatives, create a 800 trillion dollar market when the whole world’s
GDP is only 65 trillion dollars. It’s really the predators that have
always brought down our country, but they’ve hid behind ideology that is
actually a legitimate ideology.
You’re talking about conservative ideology?
might call it conservative ideology but I’m not even sure Barry
Goldwater would recognize it. Maybe libertarian ideology is a better
word for it.
What enabled this ideology to reach what you’re arguing is a dangerous point? There have always been predators.
the second major point of the book. You have to go back to a quote that
has been attributed to various people, “When the last man that
remembers the horrors of the last great war dies, the next great war
becomes inevitable.” When we forget the history to paraphrase Sir Edmund
Burke, we are doomed to repeat it. And it takes about 80 years for that
to happen. Roughly 90 years ago we saw the election of Warren Harding
on a platform, his slogan was “More business in government, less
government in business.” He dropped the tax rate, deregulated banks,
deregulated pretty much everything. It was this huge bubble in the 20s
that crashed in 1929.
If you go back 80 years before that you see
the big battles over regulation and deregulation of the 1840s and 1850s
that led to the crash of 1857 that arguably led to the Civil War. And if
you go back 80 years before that, you see there were somewhat similar
economic debates.
Roughly every 80 years we kind of forget about
economic bubbles, make the same mistakes, and those mistakes lead to
economic disaster, which typically leads to a war. And I’m saying we’re
80 years out from the last one and we’re making the same mistakes.
just had a severely bad recession as well as quite a few wars, why
aren’t those having any the effect you say crises have – a corrective
Because we’ve been insulated from them. Because
they haven’t been real for the average American. World War II, the Civil
War, The Revolutionary War –everybody participated. There was no
getting out of it. This war – the Afghan and Iraqi wars, which I would
argue are not so much a result of this economic crisis, they were more
strategic and oil wars – those wars were basically volunteer wars. We
have a pauper army to an extent.
So the war hasn’t really affected
America the way the Vietnam War did or World War II, the Civil War, the
Revolution. And the recession – the stock market is back where it was,
the recession the really bad part, the hemorrhaging jobs, that lasted
for just six or seven months. Obama got his stimulus bill passed and
kind of put a stop to it. What I’m suggesting in the book, and what I
think I’m making a pretty strong argument for is that we’re still in
that crash. The crash really started in 2006/2007 when the housing
started to collapse, and arguably it started in 99/2000 when all the
banking supports were pulled apart. That was the analogue of 1920 and
the analogue of 1840.
Because we haven’t repaired the
fundamentals, we haven’t regulated investment banks, we haven’t
regulated derivatives and commodities trading; we haven’t protected the
middle class and now they’re being eviscerated. The predators are like
bandits and the economic fundamentals are not different in any
meaningful way than they were in 2006. The crash was going to happen,
and they had a whole bunch of bubble gum and wire holding it together.
why I’m saying the [crash will come in] 2016. The crash really started
in 2006, and the Bush administration saw it coming and did everything
they could to hold it off until after November 2008. And they just were
not able to. And now I think the Obama administration thinks they can
old it off until after November 2016. But they can’t. I’m skeptical.
the George Washington administration until the Franklin Roosevelt
administration, we never went more than 15 years with out a major
National bank panic, or stock crash. Never. It was just constantly
happening. When things got so Roosevelt created the SEC, put in Glass –
Steagall, put in really serious banking regulations, made unions legal,
which is a mass stabilizer. He also raised the top income tax rates,
another mass stabilizer since it keeps hot money out of the market
place. He put all these protections into place and we went from 1935
until 2008 without a major bank panic and without a major stock market
crash that lasted more than a day or two.
They had finally figured
out how to build stabilizers into the economy. Well we’ve been
deconstructing that aggressively9. Without all of the traditional
stabilizers in our economy we’re not just vulnerable to a collapse, but I
think a collapse is inevitable.
Consensus is that the
crash in 2008 was due to the housing bubble and the mortgage bubble.
What are some of the indicators that you’re looking at now that make you
I would say that the crash of 2008 wasn’t the
housing bubble and the mortgage bubble, but it was the housing bubble
and the mortgage bubble, which crashed the derivatives bubble, which is
really what caused the crash of 2008. You had banks that had
multi-trillion dollar liabilities, which we’d never seen before. In the
late 90s we had a derivatives market that was less than $80 billion to
in 2008 having an unregulated derivatives market was over $800 trillion,
according to the bank of international settlements. The entire GDP of
the planet is $65 trillion and the entire GDP of our entire country is
$15 trillion dollars per year.
This is all funny money, and it
dropped down to $400 trillion after the crash, but it’s back up to $700
or $800 trillion now. Nobody knows for sure because it’s unregulated. So
I’d say that the crash really begins back in 99/2000 when Phil Gramm
pushed through the Commodity Futures Modernization Act that allowed all
that to happen. Of course he did that because [former Enron CEO] Ken Lay
wanted it done.
There was an attempt to change [the law] with
Dodd-Frank, but more than half of Dodd-Frank has not even been
implemented. And I don’t think Dodd-Frank, even if it was fully
implemented, would be strong enough to rein this stuff in. We need to go
back to simple stuff like Glass – Steagall. Am I making sense?
You’re making sense. To most people, a derivatives bubble is invisible. Is there anything more tangible to look for?
are starting to re-inflate the housing bubble. We’re starting to
re-inflate the stock market bubble. I mean we’ve been doing it over the
last couple of years. But the most tangible thing is that since roughly
the beginning of the Reagan presidency, wages have been flat even as
productivity has continued to increase. Productivity is what creates
corporate profits.
Back in the 60s Time magazine did a thing on
the coming leisure society and they predicted that by 2000 people would
be working you know 20 – 30 hours a week and making the equivalent in
today’s dollars of $80,000 a year. And if productivity and wages had
tracked each other over the last 32 years that would be the case right
But instead wages have flattened out for the average working
person and productivity has increased. All that wage money has gone to
basically the ownership class, the CEOs and stockholders.
consequence of that is that for the middle class to maintain their
standard of living more women [went to work]. And then when women
entering the [work place] wasn’t enough to maintain middle class
stability, people started converting their homes in to ATMs.
when they ran out of equity on their house, they began to put stuff on
their credit card, and when they ran out of that, they went back to
school or sent their kids to school and now we have a trillion dollar
debt bubble in student loans. So there’s this massive debt bubble and
when that thing bursts it’s going to take everything down with it.
People know this instinctively: people don’t buy cars anymore. They rent
them, they lease them. People don’t buy houses, they borrow them from
the bank. I’m old enough to have seen this cycle. I remember actually
buying cars and owning houses back in the 70s 80s.
What can be done?
are three things we need to do in a very straightforward fashion:
Number one: We need to restore fundamental regulators to the game of
economics. You wouldn’t play a game of football without referees, and
rules and goal posts. And if you said, “Whichever team has the most
money can just determine where the goal posts are,” everybody would
think you’re crazy. And yet that’s what we’ve done to our economy. We
need to change the fundamentals and go back to a set of rules that are
good for everybody.
Number two: we need to unwind the debt bubble.
I think frankly we need to deal with student loans. Abraham Lincoln
gave us great schools. Thomas Jefferson started the first free school.
That ended with the Reagan presidency. We should seriously consider debt
[forgiveness] for student debt. We have an entire generation that is
saddled with decades of paying off debt that none of their predecessors
Number three is to put policies into place that will cause
wages to track productivity like they did from the George Washington
administration to the Ronald Reagan administration. And that principally
has to do with taxation at the high end, so that it’s just not worth it
anymore to make a thousand times more than your workers. Go back to
that 30 to one ratio that we historically had in America.
Are you optimistic?
very optimistic because every time we’ve had one of these four
generation, 80 year crashes, what has come out of it has been a very
rapid and very substantial positive and forward motion for this country.
The first time we went from being a colony of England to forming our
own nation. The second time we ended slavery and moved into the
Industrial Revolution. The third time in the 1930s we came out of the
Great Depression and built the strongest middle class the world had ever
seen. We became the world superpower.
Our country tends to move
forward but the biggest motions always come after these crashes. We are
sort of like in AA: We have to hit bottom before we seriously start
talking about looking up and seeing what the possibilities are.
an answer to why didn’t the crash of 2008 do it? Why didn’t the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan do it? The average American didn’t have the
experience of hitting bottom. And when we do, then there will be a
serious discussion, serious conversation that goes beyond dueling sound
bites between political parties, and partisan positions, about what kind
of country this is, and what kind of country we want it to be.
You’re saying it is going to have to get really bad, but then you’re optimistic.
Absolutely. That’s what rebooting is, like rebooting your computer.
Alex Halperin is news editor at Salon. You can follow him on Twitter
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