The REAL Problem with the Defund Obamacare Or Shutdown The Government Bill
Tea Party Cat
On Friday the House GOP passed a bill to force the Democrats and Obama to choose between shutting down the government or defunding Obamacare. It was an exciting moment putting America on the path to greatness and prosperity, and the perfect follow-up to kicking 3.8 million mooching veterans, seniors and children off food stamps the day before.
But over the weekend some of the things that Republicans have said about the bill make me concerned. Is it really as good as the House GOP says, or are there hidden compromises and sellouts that just put us back at business as usual in Washington? I read these quotes from GOP leaders and I start to get worried:
- House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA): “It wasn’t just a group of Republicans. It was a bipartisan vote.”
- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): “A strong bipartisan majority voted to defund Obamacare.”
- 228 were Republicans voted YES
- 2 Democrats voted YES
- 188 Democrats voted NO
- 1 Republican voted NO
So the question must be asked– WHAT CORRUPT SOCIALIST PORK DID THE GOP HAVE TO GIVE DEMOCRATS TO WIN THEIR TWO VOTES ON THIS???!!!??!?! No one’s saying. Now I might expect something like this from a Washington insider like Kevin McCarthy, but Ted Cruz? Ted Cruz is the one who has said repeatedly that compromise is always wrong and only by never, ever compromising can America ever reach its full potential. I HOPE he was just repeating talking points to distract the liberal media and that he doesn’t actually believe that bipartisan is something to crow about.
So now it is up to Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and other conservative senators to put their full weight into filibustering this bill in the Senate and keeping it from ever getting a majority vote. Because there MUST be something in there that’s right out of the Communist Manifesto, otherwise no Democrat would have voted for it. Now, sure, it might look odd to see Senate Republicans filibustering a bill from the House Republicans, but that is what they must do.
And in the meantime I want all you Republicans in the House and Senate to remember– bipartisan means compromise which means SELLOUT which means you will face a primary challenger funded by the Heritage Foundation and Club For Growth. Don’t believe me? Just ask Mitch McConnell, who is now paying the price for not opposing Obama enough. Compromise with Democrats and you compromise your reelection.
You’ve been warned.

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