“To say that I’m terrified would be an
understatement. But I simply do not know what to do," one inmate writes
Josh Eidelson
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (Credit: Kevin Lamarque / Reuters)

A new
report alleges illegal and deadly mistreatment of Arizona inmates whose
medical care the state contracted out to the country’s largest private
prison health care provider.
released last week by the American Friends Service Committee, a
progressive Quaker group, comes as an American Civil Liberties Union
lawsuit against the Arizona Department of Corrections awaits an appeals
court ruling over the state’s challenge to its class action status. The
“grossly inadequate” care that creates “grave danger” for inmates,
including “critically ill” people who were told to “be patient” or
“pray” for healing, or that “it’s all in your head.”
before that lawsuit was filed in March 2013, the state contracted with
its current for-profit health provider, Corizon, to replace the departed
company Wexford. But the AFSC charges that “Correspondence from
prisoners; analysis of medical records, autopsy reports, and
investigations; and interviews with anonymous prison staff and outside
experts indicate that, if anything, things have gotten worse.” Among the
allegations: “delays and denials of care, lack of timely emergency
treatment, failure to provide medication and medical devices, low
staffing levels, failure to provide care and protection from infectious
disease, denial of specialty care and referrals, and insufficient health
Asked about the report, Corizon sent a statement
saying that since March, it has “increased the number and skill level of
our healthcare staff with the goal of continually improving patient
outcomes.” Corizon said that its facilities are accredited and subject
to internal audits, and that “ADC inmate patients receive care that
meets their healthcare needs and satisfies constitutional requirements.”
It added that “As with any large healthcare provider, litigation does
arise from time to time. However, the vast majority of lawsuits filed
against Corizon are without merit and are dismissed or settled with no
findings of wrongdoing.” The Arizona Governor’s office did not
immediately respond to an early morning Wednesday inquiry.
In 2011 and 2012, the deaths of thirty-seven total inmates were reported in the
Arizona Republic. In contrast, writes the AFSC, fifty people have died in custody in the first two-thirds of this year. Last year, the
Arizona Republic charged
that “Arizona’s prison system has two death rows”: Those “officially
sentenced to death” and those who “die as victims of prison violence,
neglect and mistreatment.”
The AFSC report includes a series of case studies drawn from media reports and individuals’ accounts. The
Arizona Capitol Times
reported that a death-row inmate was diagnosed with throat cancer, “but
his disease went unknown to him and untreated for seven more months.” A
prisoner’s mother, a registered nurse, told AFSC that her son had lost
his visitation and phone privileges for alleged “refusal” to provide
urine for drug-testing, when the real and well-documented issue was his
diagnosed post-chemotherapy bladder conditions. Staff at Tempe St.
Luke’s Hospital recorded that a patient who had been discharged back to
the Tucson complex “was supposed to follow up [with] pathology and
receive a PET scan; unfortunately none of that workup was done at this
time. The patients says that he request [nut] no oncology consults ever
been performed at this time either…it is felt that the patient does have
cancerous etiology and does need to receive further workup.”
argues that the privatization of medical services exacerbates such
ills. The report notes that the state’s budget bill for fiscal year 2010
included language requiring the Department of Corrections to “issue a
request for proposal to privatize correctional health services” and
stated that the new contract must “Cost less than these services did in
FY 2007-08…” After two years, with no such contract secured, the
legislative requirement was changed and the government issued a request
for proposals stating the winning contractor would be “the most
qualified bidder.” AFDC concludes that “Contracting out the medical care
at ADC has resulted in more bureaucracy, less efficiency, and decreased
quality of care. What is required to correct the problem is
transparency and accountability. Privatization functions only to hinder
those processes.”
“I am a 58 year old man who is classified as SMI
[Seriously Mentally Ill], my mental impairment is such, that I
recognize that without the assistance of an advocate helping me to
maneuver through this web of misdirection, confusion, and uncaring
medical caregivers, I will simply be allowed to continue deteriorating
at a fatally unhealthy rate,” an inmate diagnosed with cancer wrote to
the Faith Lutheran Church’s prison ministry in a January letter cited by
AFDC. “To say that I’m terrified would be an understatement. But I
simply do not know what to do.” The man, Mackie McCabe, died in June.
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