Bizarro World: Tony Perkins Complains That Liberals Want A Religion Based Government
“What is that saying? Is that saying then that the government has a responsibility to care for the poor?” Perkins asked. “That’s not what the Scripture says.”Tony Perkins said the Bible makes clear that Christians were expected to care for the needy, but not the government. Liberals, Mr. Perkins, believe all life is precious and deserves to be protected and treated with dignity. Religion has nothing to do with it.
Tony Perkins says, “As Christians, we’re responsible for the policies of this government because it’s us.”
Pretzel logic at its most transparent. Tony Perkins. Who does this guy think he’s fooling? Maybe his lemming-like followers will buy into whatever he has to say, but no one thinking for themselves could believe such a farcical proposition. Remember, Tony Perkins is the same guy that said there was, “nothing more Christian” than cutting millions off of food stamp assistance. He, and others, use a piece of scripture completely out of context as justification to say, if you don’t work, you don’t eat.Here, he refutes his own point. Government has no role in helping poor. Only Christians have this responsibility. BUT, “As Christians we’re responsible for the policies of this government because it’s us.” While attempting to spin you he spun himself. So which is it Tony? Christians help the poor and the government stays out of it? Or, the government helps the poor and Christians stay out of government?
I like the idea of our nation’s framers. We will help those in need, regardless of race, religion or creed. And personal religion has no place in political policy. That allows intelligent men and women to govern while still following their own personal faith.
Tony Perkins is a cult leader for cash.
Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council want to transform this country into their view of a Christian society. They manipulate scripture for their own gain while trying to convince their followers that their interpretation is what God intended.Tony Perkins manipulates the Bible. He distorts what many consider holy. He uses people trying to live an honest god-fearing life as his personal fund-raising institution to pursue political goals. Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council operate a political action committee, FRC Action, in conjunction with the Duggar Family. You know, ‘the 19 kids and counting’ crew. They are the antithesis of Christian values. Regardless of how they portray themselves.
Keep this in mind. We live in a country that separates church and state. There are no blurred lines here. Our founders made sure to write clearly that we all have freedom of religion. Even, and especially, if that religion is different from the majority or is no religion at all. We are not a Christian founded country. Tony Perkins, the FRC, Bachmann, Palin, the Tea Party all try to skew the Constitution to make it mean what they want. But even Justice Scalia knows, that is never going to happen. Politics is not allowed in churches. The church has no place in government. When you see it, your responsibility is to report it and stomp it out. Whether you believe in God or not.
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