Nine Crazy Tea Party Incidents: Special Texas Edition
By Maeby Gever on November 15, 2013

Veteran’s Day week has seen a flurry of over the top Teabully
happenings down in the Lone Star State of Texas. If you are a Teabully
fan who loves guns and Gods but not the Gays, Texas just might be the
place for you. So here we go with our special edition of crazy Teabully
stuff, Texas style.
1) covered the
incident in Texas when
a group of armed men descended upon a Dallas restaurant to use the
threat of their weapons to quell the First Amendment rights of four
women in the group “Moms Demand Action,” who were meeting over
lunch. Texans can “open carry” their legally registered long guns. The
Texas Legislature has determined that these
include semi automatic rifles, the same kind of weapon used by
Adam Lanza to kill little children in Newtown, CT, last year, and also used by the Aurora, CO, movie theater maniac,
James Holmes. These are the kind of weapons that the “good guys with the guns” are free to take with them wherever they go in Texas.
And if you do travel to Texas, you can take comfort in the great work being performed by,
there to extend the freedom of gun lovers who believe that the Second
Amendment trumps all others. This group is working hard to help gun
enthusiasts repress the First Amendment rights of moms to assemble in a
public restaurant, while making sure that lunatics everywhere can obtain
guns legally then use those guns to shoot school children and
moviegoers in the face. can even direct you to Texas
restaurants allowing customers to come on in with their guns. They even
have a warm an fuzzy
Facebook page.
2) Now we all know how much many Texans love their guns and how many Texans also don’t care much for President Obama.
Threats against the President
rose 400% beginning the day this particular President was inaugurated
in 2009. The Daily Kos has reported that President Obama is the
most threatened President ever.
We will soon be commemorating the 50th anniversary of the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy that took place in Dallas,
Texas on November 22, 1963. It was announced in early November that
President Obama would
travel to Dallas to
promote the ACA. Perhaps, in memory of the Kennedy assassination, the
Facebook page of Gun Rights Across America Texas, had comments posted on
it giving the exact address for the appearance by President Obama and
suggesting that the President would get the
Same Texas welcome as JFK.”

3) Republican Gregg Abbott is the current Texas Attorney General and
he is running for Governor to replace the ever entertaining, Rick “Oops”
Perry. Democratic Texas State Senator, Wendy Davis, is running against
General Abbott.
You just never know what you might find on the
Abbott for Governor Facebook Page. General Abbott must be a Teabully because he obviously loves that “
Don’t Tread On Me” flag which has been incorporated into his campaign bumper sticker available to anyone for a mere $20.14 donation.
General Abbott has had issues with his followers on Facebook and Twitter. Some of his followers have
posted death threats against
Senator Wendy Davis . And it is reported that General Abbott thanked a
supporter on Tweeter who had referred to Senator Davis as “
Retard Barbie.”
But that seems to be typical of the kind of behavior coming from many
in the Teabully base of followers who use threats of violence, name
calling, and intimidation as substitutes for more civilized methods of
4) has been front and center bringing the public the latest in crazy that comes from the mind of Evangelical
Pastor Rafael Cruz, the
father of Teabully favorite, Republican Senator Ted Cruz of
Texas. Never at a loss for words, Pastor Cruz misstates his credentials
as a mathematician conflating that with a Scientist making him able to
conclude that there is no scientific evidence for the theory of
evolution. Pastor Cruz rewrites his own history of having fought on the
side of Fidel Castro and the Communists as a younger man in Cuba,
allowing him to hypocritically and wrongfully attack the President as a
Communist or Socialist, as if those term are interchangeable.
Perhaps Pastor Cruz needs the refresher course on “Ism’s” that is
available as a free download here on
5) A list of crazy Texas Tea Party stuff could easily be limited to
Rafael Cruz. So let’s just go through just a sampling of some more of
the good Pastor’s recent off the reservation pronouncements:
Did you know that it is made clear to all through the Bible in Genesis that
God is pro death penalty? So saith the Cruz.

Rafael Cruz also says that Black people are
uninformed and deceived. Way to convince African Americans to come join the Republican Party dude.
6) This Rafael Cruz pronouncement deserves to be out on it’s own.
Earlier this month Pastor Cruz addressed a gun rights advocacy group in
neighboring Oklahoma where he explained how Atheism:
“Leads us to sexual immorality,
leads us to sexual abuse, leads us to perversion.”
I wonder how Pastor Cruz feels about some very well known self
described devout Christians such the Reverend Ted Haggard, the Reverend
Jimmy Swaggart, Republican Senator David Vitter from Louisiana, and
former Republican Senator Larry Craig of Idaho? What is that saying
about throwing stones when you live in a glass house?
7) Speaking of sex and Texas, here is something from the
Canyon Independent School District in Canyon, Texas.
Starting in middle school, and with the permission of parents,
teachers will be giving students sex education instruction that will
include telling the children that virginity means ”not having
participated in any sexual activity of any kind,” and comparing
remaining a virgin to a new toothbrush or stick of gum, which should
Wrapped up and unused.”

Of course Texas schools also teach abstinence only and Texas has one
of the highest rates of teen pregnancies. When it comes to repressing
the sexual desires of their kids, to paraphrase Charlie Sheen, Texas is
8) Justice Antonin Scalia, probably the most Conservative and
Teabully like Justice on the current Conservative dominated Supreme
Court of the United States, says that if he weren’t a Virginian,
he’d probably be a Texan.”
And Republican Governor Rick “Oops” Perry told an adoring audience that Justice Scalia would “fit right in.”
Now Justice Scalia has rarely been known to take a position that
didn’t rile up Liberals and Progressives while at the same time bringing
a smile as big as Texas to a Teabully face. But perhaps Justice Scalia
is tipping his hand that he might soon be leaving the bench and
retiring in Texas where he can join a posse or speak openly at a
Koch brothers conference, without
having to worry about pesky rules of ethical judicial conduct? Let’s
all agree to chip in for his bus ticket out of town.
9) President George W. Bush has mystified many by his attendance at a
Messianic Jewish Bible Institute fundraiser in
Irving, Texas. Now I am not bashing anyone’s religion and I firmly
believe that people have the right to practice or not practice any
religion they like, so long as they follow the Constitution and keep it
out of Government and public law. But this move by President Bush gets
him the final shout out on this special,Texas style list, of Teabully
Just because the word “Jewish” is in the name, that does not mean
that the organization is Jewish. This particular “Jews For Jesus”
group, is not promoted by any real Jews. These “Jews for Jesus” groups
are actually in the business of promoting the end of Judaism, the
coming of the Rapture, and
the end of earthly existence as we know it. Dedicated to saving the
Jewish people by converting them or letting them suffer eternal
damnation once Jesus returns to take the true believers to an etherial
plane of existence, these faith based groups proliferate in Texas.
The Messianic Jewish Bible Institute has a vision statement on the website which is to:
Bring Jewish people into a personal relationship of faith
with Yeshua the Messiah, knowing their acceptance will eventually mean life from the dead.”
The Jews For Jesus website says that:
Direct Jewish Evangelism is our priority.
These groups are in the business of convincing Jews that the Messiah,
in the form of Jesus Christ, has already come. And that is contrary to
the Jewish belief that the Messiah has not yet come. Further, when the
Messiah does come, there will not be the end of days, just
eternal peace on earth.
The problem with President Bush’s appearance at this fundraiser is
that this group is in the business of fostering public support against
making peace with Iran while encouraging an attack by Israel, with or
without the United States, which might then bring on the end of the
world war. The problem is also that many in the American Jewish
community, which for years had been duped into believing that President
George Bush was a friend of the Jewish People, just might support the
end of the Jewish People and the world as we know it.
President George W. Bush is no longer in office and he is no longer
in a position to do further harm to the United Sates or to the world.
But the questions remain, did President Bush and the advisors around him
believe in the end of days when in office, and were their actions in
taking us to war in Iraq on false pretenses in part based on the desire
accelerate the coming of the end of days?

The founding fathers were smart for insisting that there be a
separation of Church and State. We, the voting public, need to be as
smart as those people were so long ago and make sure that we keep
theology out of our Government and in the private sector where it
Edited/Published by: SB
About the Author:
Maeby Gever (34 Articles)I
am the voice of my human parents. Dad, 58, mom 56, both retired
lawyers. Dad worked privately as a personal injury lawyer in the
Philadelphia, PA area before retirement. He has a BA in Political
Science, a Masters in Secondary Social Studies Education and he did some
public school teaching before retiring again. Mom also has a BA in
Political Science and she spent her entire 33 year career working as an
attorney for a US Defense Department Agency located in Philadelphia, PA.
She spent the last four years of her career as the Chief Counsel. She
retired in April of this year. I have two human brothers, both Graduates
of the George Washington University. My older human brother is working
his way up in Airport Management at the Philadelphia International
Airport. My younger human brother is a Peace Corps veteran.