You Too Can Learn How to Escape Obama's FEMA Camps for Just $37
But one company has been particularly aggressive about capitalizing on preppers' paranoia, particularly those preppers who see Barack Obama as the first horseman of the Apocalypse. Last week, an anonymous email solicitation went out to readers of the conservative news site, It warned:
There are three hidden signs that Obama
is about to throw you into a FEMA camp.
They're on his secret agenda.
is about to throw you into a FEMA camp.
They're on his secret agenda.
But once YOU know these three signs...
youre already one step ahead.
You're in control.
youre already one step ahead.
You're in control.
You can beat them at their own game.
Click here to check them out now,
before its too late.
The link leads to a slick marketing website-cum-infomercial for a video called the Patriot Survival Plan, which is also being promoted on popular conservative sites, such as World Net Daily.
The infomercial claims that America is about to experience "a crisis
unlike any other in history, a catastrophe that will overshadow,
Katrina, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, the Great Depression, even the Civil War."
What's more, this "financial Hiroshima" is "barreling down on us like a
freight train in just 10 months or less…Unless you take some very
specific steps it's virtually guaranteed that you will be left
penniless, hungry, and fighting desperately for your life."before its too late.
What steps are those? The infomercial doesn't say.
Instead, it delves into a rant about the Federal Reserve, claiming it's part of plot by greedy bankers to "rig the entire U.S. economy in their favor" by luring the country into a gargantuan debt it can never repay. Worse, this "Massive Ponzi scheme" is about to "come crashing down." When it does, neighbors will fight each other to the death over a single can of tuna.
But never fear. There's a "simple yet stunningly powerful method" that will have intruders "running away from your home like scared little girls." And you can learn it from "the comfort of your own home," all for a mere $37. Among the skills you will glean through the Patriot Survival Plan video:
- How to turn 200 bucks into a large supply of 37 essential food items that will keep you and your family week nourished throughout the crisis...
- How to make sure Urban Warfare never touches your family.
- How to keep the military out of your home even if they have an evacuation order (this will save your children decades of nightmares)...
- [How to] walk calmly through dangerus riots - completely unarmed... This will come in handy should you need to get out and get valuable supplies.
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