How the Tea Party’s Apocalyptic Politics Are Destroying the Republican Party
Leaders of the Tea Party are willing to wreck the Republican Party, the government, and the economy to prove that Obama is evil and God is on their side.
Want to
know why the Tea Party so eager to grievously wound the Republican
Party? The answer is as simple as it is counterintuitive: its leaders
view themselves as modern prophets of the apocalypse.
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the Tea Party is willing to defy overwhelming negative public opinion,
wreck the government, risk plunging the world economy into chaos and
invite political defeat. The driving force behind this destructive
strategy is that Tea Party zealots answer to a “higher calling.”
believe America teeters on the brink of destruction, and hold as an
article of faith that liberals, gays, Democrats, atheists and the United
Nations are to blame. This “end-times” world-view is a foundational
precept of the evangelical movement, from which many of the so-called
Tea Party favorites spring. Scholars call it apocalypticism.
course, the Tea Party is not just composed of members of the Christian
right. Many are genuine libertarians. Some nurse an unreconstructed
Confederate grudge, while others harbor a thinly disguised racism.
However, the real energy, the animating force for the movement comes
from evangelicals, of whom Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin
are the most strident. These are the modern-day ”apocalyptic prophets.”
the issues are secular, the prophets’ anti-Obamacare rhetoric rings
with religious, end-times cadences. So to understand why they invoke
chaos, we need to know where their ideas about an “apocalypse” came
theologians, including the revered Albert Schweitzer, believe John the
Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth were Jewish apocalypticists. Simply put,
these first-century prophets believed they were living in the “end
times” before God would send his representative, the “Son of Man” (taken
from a rather obscure passage in the Book of Daniel), to overthrow the
forces of evil and establish God’s justice on earth. Apocalypse
literally translates as “the revealing” of God’s will. For these early
prophets the Kingdom of God was not to be a church, but a military and
political kingdom on earth.
Lest this sound far-fetched to modern ears, listen to our modern Tea Party prophets in their own words:
know we can’t keep going down this road much longer. We’re nearing the
edge of the cliff . . . We have only a couple of years to turn this
country around or we go off the cliff to oblivion!” - Ted Cruz at the
Values Voters Summit, Oct. 11
. . I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times
scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are
to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry, we are to
understand where we are in God’s End Times history. Rather than seeing
this as a negative . . . we need to rejoice, Maranatha Come Lord Jesus,
His day is at hand. And so what we see up is down and right is called
wrong, when this is happening, we were told this, that these days would
be as the days of Noah. We are seeing that in our time.” - Michelle
Bachmann, Oct. 5, 2013
this administration will been [sic] complicit in helping people who
wants [sic] to destroy our country.” – Louie Gohmert on the floor of the
U.S. House
biggest war being waged right now is against our religious liberties
and traditional values.” - Rep. Tim Huelskamp, Values Voters Summit
fight for religious freedom starts here at home because we are one
nation under God.” - House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Values Voters
these apocalyptic prophets, the issues aren’t even political anymore;
they’re existential, with Obamacare serving as the avatar for all evil.
In this construct, any compromise whatsoever leads to damnation, and
therefore the righteous ends justify any means.
of the prophets’ message is couched in populist language. It sounds
familiar to us because we’ve heard it all before. Historically whenever
our country has experienced economic stress an angry, reactionary vein
of populism surfaces. Sometimes called “Jacksonian,” this common thread
actually reaches back to the American Revolution, then to Shay’s
Rebellion, through Jackson’s “Augean Stables” to William Jennings
Bryan’s rants against science in the Scopes “Monkey Trial.” It includes
“Know-Nothings,” Anti-Masons and Huey Long’s “Every Man a King.” George
Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door and Ross Perot sabotaged George
Bush the Elder’s re-election. Except for Andrew Jackson, each burst of
populist fervor ended badly.
modern prophets are fundamentally different. Their dogma springs from
Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, through James Dobson’s Family Research
Council, to the eerily omnipresent Fellowship and its C Street house.
Cruz’s father, Raphael was seen in recently uncovered videos calling
for America to be ruled by “kings” who will take money from anyone who
is not an evangelical Christian and deliver it into the hands of
fundamentalist preachers and their acolytes. This is a movement is
called “Christian Dominionism,” and it has many adherents the
evangelical right. It is also obviously and dangerously anti-democratic.
These new apocalyptic prophets, and the demagogues who profit (pun
intended) from them, see themselves locked in mortal combat against the
Anti-Christ in a fight for America’s soul – and wealth.
if you are battling the forces of evil for the very survival of the
nation, there can be no retreat, no compromise, and no deals. Like the
Jewish zealots at Masada, it’s better to commit glorious suicide than
make peace with the devil. There can be no truce with the Tea Party
because its apocalyptic zealots can never take “yes” for an answer.
the apocalyptists cannot compromise, they must be beaten. President
Obama and congressional Democrats seem to have finally grasped this
fact, and are learning how to deal with them. By refusing to knuckle
under to extortion in the government shutdown drama, Obama exposed their
reckless radicalism and won resoundingly.
Democrats can’t solve this problem alone. To bring any semblance of
order back to the American political system and restore a functioning
two-party system, the GOP has to find its own equilibrium. Thankfully,
this process has already begun.
Republicans, corporate CEOs and Wall Street moguls stand appalled at
the Tea Party monster they helped to create. Formerly cowed into
silence, they are beginning to see the handwriting on the wall and speak
out against the self-destructive zealots.
conservative Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli was largely abandoned by the GOP
establishment. Many Republican leaders even went so far as to endorse
the Democrat, Terry McAuliffe. Unable to raise significant money from
the Republican establishment, Cuccinelli was outspent more than
ten-to-one. While Virginians rejected a conservative who believes
government’s role is to regulate morality, New Jersey voters chose a
conservative Republican who believes government has a constructive,
practical role to play.
contrast is striking – and instructive. Until Republicans slug it out
among themselves and decide which kind of party they want to be, we will
continue to lurch from crisis to crisis.
family fight will not be easy or bloodless. The Tea Party represents
roughly one-half of the Republican base. They love Cruz, Palin and the
chorus of other voices crying in the wilderness. They are unified in
their hatred of Obama, and they are organized down to the precinct
level. More importantly, they despise the moderate voices in their own
congressional districts guarantee many safe Tea Party seats. Powerful
think tanks and advocacy groups like The Heritage Foundation, the
Chamber of Commerce, American Enterprise Institute and others, which in
years past underpinned the Republican establishment, are now heavily
invested in the right-wing agenda and will not be easily co-opted.
Deep-pocketed militants like the Koch brothers will keep the cash
flowing, and right-wing talk radio-heads will whip up the aggrieved
It’s almost impossible to predict how this family fight will end, but there are at least two possible outcomes:
the pragmatists win. The Grand Old Party could be led out of the
wilderness by a charismatic figure a la Chris Christie, who is viewed as
a straight-talking, practical problem-solver. Any such leader will have
to arise outside Washington. The pragmatists’ backers would include big
business, Wall Street, the military-industrial complex, GOP lobbyists
and a plethora of wealthy patrons who can’t afford any more Tea Party
have a strong case. Moderates have won some dramatic conservative
victories over the years, delivering massive tax cuts, reforming
welfare, de-regulating Wall Street, diluting Roe v. Wade, reviving
federalism with block grants and reshaping today’s conservative Supreme
the hard-liners revolt. The party splinters, and out of the wreckage a
new center-right “Whig Party” emerges. This is not so far-fetched as it
may seem. A recent bi-partisan polling by NBC and Esquire Magazine
reveals a wide plurality: 51% of Americans view themselves as
centrists, not deeply invested in either party.
surprisingly, these moderates have both liberal and conservative views.
64% support gay marriage, 63% support abortion in the first trimester,
52% support legalizing marijuana, and they support a strong social
safety net by wide margins. But 81% support offshore drilling, 90%
support the death penalty and 57% are against affirmative action. So a
new moderate coalition might well attract significant support from the
moderate middle, establishment Republicans, Independents and centrist
Democrats too.
for the apocalyptic prophets, only 29% of the moderate middle thinks
churches or religious organization should have any role at all in
politics. So like the prophets of old, they seem fated to join that long
sad procession of failed zealots and martyrs who were overwhelmed by
hard reality and their own rigid dogma.
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