Wis. Teacher Refuses Award From Paul Ryan During MLK Ceremony: ‘Lackey for the 1%’
school social studies teacher Al Levie refused to accept an award from
Rep. Paul Ryan during a ceremony last week. (Image source: YouTube)
A Wisconsin teacher refused to accept
an award from Rep. Paul Ryan during a ceremony last week, saying he
couldn’t do so “in good conscience” because of the Republican
congressman’s politics.
Al Levie, a high school social studies
teacher in Racine, Wis., was one of three recipients of a Martin Luther
King Jr. humanitarian award during a celebration honoring the late civil
rights leader. Ryan, who represents the district, was on hand to
present congressional recognitions to each award winner, the Kenosha
News reported:
After Ryan spoke, Levie criticized the congressman’s policies before being walked off the stage. Levie had earlier stated that he would like to see collective bargaining restored in Wisconsin, fair immigration reform and a fair tax system among other suggestions.
In a video of the ceremony, Ryan is
seen stepping from behind the podium to hand the award to Levie, who
backs away and instead turns to speak to the audience. His words aren’t
audible, but according to the video’s captions he said, “I can’t in good
conscience accept this award, as a humanitarian, Paul Ryan stands for
everything I don’t believe in.”
“Oh come on,” one person is heard saying.
“For the kids!” someone else adds.
The video was posted by Wisconsin Jobs
Now, a coalition of community groups from across the state that
advocates for “the 99 percent.” Levie appeared on the video afterward to
explain his protest.
“I would not accept the award from
Paul Ryan because Paul Ryan is a lackey for the 1 percent,” he said.
“Paul Ryan had no business at a Martin Luther King event, it’s totally
hypocritical. On the one hand he votes to slash health care, while on
the other hand, King dedicated his life and he died for it, for people
to have adequate healthcare, to have adequate jobs.”
“King made it very clear that he was
on the side of working people,” he continued. “Ryan on the other hand,
he has absolutely no affinity for the working class and for him to come
to an event where somebody of King’s stature was honored is wrong.”
According to the Racine Journal Times,
Levie serves with Voces de la Frontera, an advocacy group for immigrant
and low wage worker rights, and is part of the local NAACP. He’s also a
teacher and program director for the Wisconsin Correctional Service.
Ryan carried an award for the teacher in one hand ... and in the other, a knife to stab the educator in the back with his budget-cutting, anti-public education and anti-labor union policy positions.