Liberal BiasThe lefty pinko socialists at the Being Liberal Facebook page have posted this meme in response to the new storythat 29% of Louisiana Republicans blame Obama for the federal government’s response to Katrina:
To liberals, this seems like some kind of “contradiction” or “nonsense” or “stupidity”, just because Obama wasn’t President yet when Katrina happened–President Bush was. As a result, they are touting this meme as a way to make fun of Louisiana Republicans.
However, we good-hearted folks at LiberalBias.com have actually long been aware of this kind of poll result, and it is not an indication that Louisiana Republicans are out-of-touch or crazy… as long as you know how to interpret the poll results correctly.
As we reported several months ago, in our article “GOP TIP: How to answer opinion polls“, the correct conservative way to answer a poll IS NOT to merely answer the question that is asked. Instead, it is to find a way to use the poll to simply express your complete outrage with and hatred of President Obama.
In a poll about whether you think the stock market is higher or lower now than it was under Bush, the correct answer is “lower” because that answer translates into OBAMA SUCKS!!!
In a poll about whether you think the deficit is higher or lower, the correct answer is higher, because OBAMA SUCKS.
And in a poll about who is to blame for the federal government’s response to Katrina, well isn’t it obvious? The correct answer is: OBAMA SUCKS!!!! …..or whatever answer is available that matches that as closely as possible.
So as it turns out, when Louisiana Republicans say that Obama is to blame for…. well, just about anything… it isn’t because they don’t understand politics, or history, or causality. The answer is much simpler: they think that Obama sucks.
WinkProgress: Why Obama is to blame for the Katrina response http://t.co/XcvmEjiKmc #Articles #Memes
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