Darrell Issa Posts Anti-Obamacare Listicle
The Huffington Post | By Andrew Hart
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) took a swipe at Obamacare on Wednesday with a cat-themed listicle.
In a blog post titled "8 Cats Who Called 1-800-ObamaCare but Still Couldn’t Get Healthcare", Issa pokes fun at the health care law's technical issues.
In the post, seven downcast cats complain about the problems they have trying to sign up for health insurance.
The post takes plenty of cues from the internet, using Reddit-friendly jargon like "kitteh."
Number one on the list: "Finally getting to speak to a live operator...oops, disconnnected." The sad-looking cat is bordered by the text, "Kitteh has a sad, call dropped after 90 minute wait."
Republicans have recently ramped up efforts in their fight against the new health care law. Republican-led committees are investigating the technical difficulties that have hampered the Healthcare.gov, one of the main portals for people to sign up for benefits. Despite multiple failed attempts to defund or repeal the law, conservative lawmakers like Ted Cruz have vowed to keep opposing it.
Those familiar with Issa's online presence would likely not be surprised by his use of cats for political messaging. His Twitter feed regularly features cats, including one tweet of a cat wearing a hat that resembled a pig. "It's #FridayKitty!!!!!!!!!" he wrote. "Must be teh piggeh, to catch teh piggeh" (have a great weekend!)"
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