FRC Literally Prays To God To Kill ENDA And Keep LGBT People From ‘Inappropriate Occupations’
by on October 31, 2013
Of course, that’s all false.
The Southern Poverty Law Center takes great pains and spends years studying groups before they label them hate groups.
And those hate groups always keep working to earn that label.
Take the Family Research Council, who yesterday offered this disgusting statement attacking ENDA:
“This law would mandate the employment of homosexual, bisexual and ‘transgendered’ individuals in inappropriate occupations, disregarding the fact that sexual conduct may be relevant to employment.”That’s just all kinds of wrong — and, quite possibly already illegal if put into practice.
What is an “inappropriate occupation” for an LGBT person, anyway?
Knowing that the Senate will likely vote on ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, next week, and seeing the huge momentum the bill is gathering, what does Tony Perkins‘ Family Research Council do?
Pray to God ENDA is defeated.
Yes, literally pray to God:
May ENDA, first introduced in 1996, be decisively defeated. May deceptive and inadequate religious liberty amendments not distract Congressmen from taking a principled stand on the issue. May God intervene to prevent furtherance of this law, which would plant homosexuality even more deeply into the fabric of our society. Bring millions who need Christ into His kingdom, including those involved in sexual sins, both homosexual and heterosexual (Josh 1:7; Ps 85:6; Is 10:1; 59: all; 64:1-9; 1 Tim 1:9).And to support their “prayer,” the FRC offers this:
“ENDA will impact private and public employers and workplaces like the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell impacted the U.S. Military.”
How has DADT repeal impacted the military? The last study we could find found less than five service member quit the military because of DADT’s repeal.
“Military leaders and chaplains are now caught in crises of religious conscience over elevating homosexual rights above religious liberty. Christian service personnel are bearing the brunt.”
In other words, all of a sudden it’s unacceptable to make fun of gay people. It’s no longer acceptable to preach to gays that they’re going to hell. Sorry, FRC, that’s not a right, that’s just offensive.
“Employers and employees will similarly be required to give special treatment to LGBT employees. This law would mandate the employment of homosexual, bisexual and ‘transgendered’ individuals in inappropriate occupations, disregarding the fact that sexual conduct may be relevant to employment. ENDA would open America’s businesses to a host of lawsuits and, I predict, more anti-Christian bias in business, just as is now happening in the military.”
Again, it’s not “anti-Christian bias” to ask someone to treat people equally, and to not tell them they’re going to hell for being born LGBT.
Hate hiding behind the bible is still hate — and there’s no room for it in the 21st century.
Hat tip: Right Wing Watch
Image of Tony Perkins via FRC on Facebook
The New Civil Rights Movement
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