Voters’ Anger Over Shutdown Is Inspiring Democrats to Run
Brian Lehmann for The New York Times
Pete Festersen, an Omaha Democrat seeking a House seat occupied by a Republican, with his fund-raiser, Jessica Lathrop.
But suddenly, the Council president, Pete Festersen, has jumped into the
2014 race against an eight-term incumbent Republican. And a Lincoln
lawyer, Dennis Crawford, declared his candidacy in a second Nebraska
district where the Republican incumbent also had been unopposed. Both
say their moves are fueled by popular anger over the 16-day
Republican-led shutdown of the federal government.
“If I ever see Ted Cruz, all I’m going to say is ‘Thank you, thank
you,’ ” Vince Powers, Nebraska’s Democratic Party chairman, said in an
interview. “I would’ve been in witness protection, because I didn’t have
anybody to run.”
Here and nationally, the Democratic Party is enjoying something of a
boomlet in newly declared candidacies for the House. Since Oct. 1, five
candidates have lined up to contest Republican-held seats, with at least
four more in the wings, Democratic officials say. Almost all say they
are driven to run — ostensibly, at least — by disgust over the shutdown,
first espoused by Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, and embraced by
Tea Party Republicans in the House and, eventually, most others as
Nonetheless, most of the Republicans viewed as most vulnerable are moderates, not those who pushed for the shutdown.
Mr. Festersen, 42, a business consultant, said he was driven to run by
“the dysfunction, the widespread dissatisfaction with Congress’s
inability to get anything done.”
In Arkansas, former Mayor Patrick Henry Hays of Little Rock announced
his candidacy for the seat of Representative Tim Griffin, a Republican
who is retiring, by denouncing the shutdown as a travesty. Last
Thursday, Bill Hughes Jr., a former federal prosecutor, opened his
challenge to a New Jersey incumbent, Representative Frank A. LoBiondo,
by railing against what he called the Republicans’ “irresponsible
brinksmanship” in closing down the government.
And on Wednesday, Alex Sink, Florida’s chief financial officer who
narrowly lost a 2010 bid for governor, entered a special election race
to fill the House seat of Representative C. W. Bill Young, a Republican
who died at 82 on Oct. 18. He had announced his retirement the week before.
“I, like everybody else I know, is angry and mad about the logjam, about
shutting down the government, about not understanding the impact it was
going to have on small businesses and people,” she said in an interview with The Tampa Bay Times announcing her decision.
All but Mr. Crawford, of Lincoln, are viewed as credible contenders in
next November’s election, said David Wasserman, a top analyst of House
races for The Cook Political Report in Washington.
“The climate for candidates to jump into races has improved
significantly,” he said in an interview. “Who knows whether they would
have run had the shutdown not occurred? But the fact is, they’re
By themselves, victories by the new entrants would hardly dent the
Republicans’ 17-seat House majority. But should voters’ low regard for
the shutdown provoke a wave of anti-incumbent sentiment next fall, their
candidates could prove important to Democrats’ hopes for regaining
control, some analysts say.
Republicans say they are unimpressed. Since Oct. 1, five Republican
candidates have announced challenges to Democrats, said Daniel
Scarpinato, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional
Others call the Democrats’ giddiness premature. “We’re 13 months away
from an election,” said J. L. Spray, Nebraska’s Republican Party
chairman. “There are going to be a lot of people talking about other
As for anger over the shutdown, he added, “My people aren’t clamoring about anything.”
But the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which recruits
candidates and funnels money into races it deems winnable, claims that
the shutdown will push others to enter 2014 House races within weeks. In
Indiana and in other districts in Arkansas and New Jersey, other
Democrats are publicly signaling their intentions to run for Republican
seats next year. Almost all cite the shutdown and Republicans’ threat to
provoke a default on the federal debt as a crucial factor in their
The Democratic campaign committee conducted polls in districts where
potential candidates “had shut the door” on running, its chairman,
Representative Steve Israel of New York, said in an interview. “I showed
that same polling to those same candidates,” he said, “and they opened
the door.”
Should the latest Democratic challengers win election next year, Tea
Party legislators and their most ardent allies are unlikely to suffer as
much as moderates. A handful of seats held by far-right Republicans are
being contested — or are likely to be — by the new Democratic entrants,
most notably those of Michigan’s Kerry Bentivolio, Indiana’s Jackie
Walorski and Mr. Griffin of Arkansas.
For the most part, however, “the Democrats who are getting into these
races aren’t running against the fire-breathers,” said Mr. Wasserman of
the Cook Report. “They’re running against Republicans in semi-marginal
Nebraska’s second district, where Mr. Festersen is running, is a prime
example. The 51-year-old incumbent, Lee Terry, is a generally moderate
Republican who has boasted of working with Democrats on legislation like
a federally mandated increase in average fuel efficiency for
He has kept his seat since 1998, often handily defeating well-financed
Democratic challengers. But his margins of victory have dwindled in
recent years, and in 2012 he beat a popular Democratic challenger by
barely 4,000 of the 263,000-plus votes cast. He also lost the editorial
backing of the conservative and influential Omaha World-Herald, which
complained that his leadership had been undistinguished.
Like many other Republicans, Mr. Terry lined up behind Mr. Cruz’s
strategy to shut down the government and force a default should the
Affordable Care Act not be defunded. Unlike more conservative
Republicans, he voted to reopen the government and raise the debt
ceiling when that strategy failed.
But voters next year may remember him best for a mid-shutdown gaffe in an interview with The World-Herald.
Asked whether he would continue to accept his $174,000-a-year salary
while furloughed federal workers went without theirs, Mr. Terry replied,
“Dang straight,” adding: “I’ve got a nice house and a kid in college,
and I’ll tell you we cannot handle it.”
Other legislators from both parties had said they would not surrender
their pay, but hardly in such vivid language. Mr. Terry quickly
recanted, saying he was ashamed of his remarks and would not collect his
salary until the shutdown ended.
With the electorate already furious, Mr. Terry’s comment may only have
poured gasoline on the fire. But political analysts say he and other
Republicans still may have two things going for them: One, next year’s
elections are midterms, when the party in the White House usually
suffers losses and voter turnout is reliably low. And two: Even the
experts cannot predict how angry voters will express themselves.
“This is a screwed-up situation,” said Tom King, a consultant working
for the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of Virginia in next
week’s election. “When this happens, ‘throw the bums out’ either
becomes ‘throw everyone out,’ or ‘throw one party out.’ ”
Which is more likely? “Look at the results two weeks from now,” he said,
referring to Election Day, “and you’ll get a better idea of how this is
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