Walker Claims Girl Scout Troops as 'New Businesses'
By Jud Lounsbury, Uppity Wisconsin, Nov. 14, 2013
Short on his promise to create 10,000 new businesses, Walker finds a new measuring stick.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recently ran a victory lap in front of his friends at the Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce for reaching his lesser-known campaign promise of creating 10,000 new businesses in his first term.
of admitting his shortcoming, Walker searched high and low for a
different measuring stick. He discovered that the Wisconsin Department
of Financial Institutions (WDFI) keeps track of something called
"business entities" created and... voila! ...found that as of August of
this year, over ELEVEN THOUSAND new "business entities" had been created
since he took office! Cue the victory lap!
The problem with the WDFI
numbers is that a great deal of the “business entities” it counts are
not, in fact, the "new businesses" that Walker had in mind when he made
his pledge. Many are out-of-state corporations that have to file papers
in Wisconsin, but have no real physical presense in the state, many are
multiple filings for one business, and over 35,000 of the "businesses"
Walker is using in his formula are something called "non-stock
corporations" which are business-sounding but are actually Little League
Teams, Girl Scout Troops, Lions Clubs, and other community
organizations or non-profits.
For example, the Montello Little League team organized with the state for the first time on
March 3, 2013. Because this was a new "business entity" it went into
the list of "new businesses" Walker is claiming he created.
Oh, but it gets better: Within
the universe of Little League teams Scott Walker now claims as
“businesses,” many didn't even organize for the first time during
Walker's time in office. Walker, however, is also counting thousands of
"business entities" that for one reason or another fell out of good
standing with the state and were then "restored to good standing" and
got a "certificate of reinstatement.” These reinstated Little Leagues
also count, in Walker world.
Such is the case of the Oak
Creek Little League team, which first formed in 1982. At some point,
they fell behind in keeping up with their paperwork and were
administrative dissolved by the state. However on August 7, 2013 the Oak Creek Little League Team was
restored to good standing, was issued a "certificate of reinstatement"
and bang: Scott Walker has another "new business."
And we're not just talking Little League teams. The Reedsburg Girl Scout troop, Madison Ping-Pong Club, Waupaca Rotary Club, Columbus Historical Society, Oconto Jaycees, Blue Mound Nordic Ski Club, Clyman Lions Club, Three Rivers Bird Watchers Club, Menomonee Falls Choir Association,
and Pepin Yacht Club all are in Walker's list of new businesses
created. In fact, in Walker's list of new businesses, he is counting
241 organizations with "club" in the title, 102 with "friends," 75 condo
associations, 458 associations (mostly real estate), 360 foundations,
211 churches and over 200 with football, baseball or some other sport in
the name.
all this is going is anyone's guess, but don't be surprised if Walker
makes the next logical step: Counting Girl Scouts, Little Leaguers, and
Ping Pong players in his count toward 250, 000 jobs created.
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